
Psychological Evaluations

We offer top-quality psychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults. Each evaluation is individualized to fit the referral needs, and results in a comprehensive psychological evaluation report. Feedback is integrative with each family and individual, and we are happy to consult with treatment providers and schools. In addition to evaluations for a range of referral questions, we specialize in assessing autism across the lifespan.

Group Offerings

We offer social empowerment groups for neurodivergent and autistic children, teens, and adults. We also offer mindfulness groups for children and teens. 

Offerings for Clinicians

Attend our neurodivergent-affirming therapy and assessment trainings in order to expand the scope of your practice to better serve neurodivergent populations. Multiple trainings are offered throughout the year with Dr. Haygeman and Natasha Laumei, LMFT.


Dr. Emily Haygeman has been practicing yoga and mindfulness personally for over 25 years and loves to offer free practices. 

Trauma-Informed Care

Regardless of the capacity in which we work together, rest assured that all of our services are trauma-informed, and this is extremely important to us. As part of the psychological evaluation process, we always consider the impact of traumatic experiences that may be impacting an individual’s current presentation. If trauma is in fact present, we work together with the individual and family to understand the impact the trauma is having in their current experience, and take this into consideration when formulating a diagnostic impression. Trauma exposure can have a direct impact on an individual’s executive functioning skills, mood, behavior, body, and relationships. It can often be misdiagnosed as ADHD, mood disorders, behavioral disorders, or other problems if it is not well-understood by the clinician. Traumatic stress can also overlap with other diagnoses. Therefore, this is always taken into consideration in our practice. Should an individual present with active trauma, we are sure to connect the individual/family with the proper resources they need. Sometimes this includes making a report if the person is experiencing active abuse or victimization.

Dr. Haygeman is trained in a number of therapeutic modalities that address traumatic stress, particularly in children and families. Following their graduate school training, they completed an APPIC internship at The Children’s Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Through their training at TCC, they worked with families utilizing Child Parent Psychotherapy, the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) method, trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT), and play therapy principles.

Neurodivergent-Affirming Services LGBTQIA2S+ Affirming Services

We employ a neurodivergent affirmative approach to working with neurodivergent clients, which includes recognizing and working against an ableist narrative. This approach recognizes that neurodiversity is a part of human diversity at large. When you come to us for therapy or an evaluation, it is important to know that we are not going to seek to “cure” or “fix” characteristics of Autism. Instead, we will work with you, your family, or your child, to determine the goals you have for evaluation and/or therapy. As such, we often work with families to increase their understanding of neurodivergence and autism specifically, so that they can create a more neurodivergent-friendly atmosphere at home. We have worked with many children and teens to help increase their social emotional capacities and self-regulation. Additionally, we have worked with young adults around the nuanced social skills necessary for dating and workplace situations. Working from a neurodivergent perspective, we also understand that this process is a “two-way street,” and therefore we work with families and clients to advocate for more neurodivergent-friendly environments at school, at home, and in the workplace. We regularly work with families to help them better understand their neurodivergent student. We work on skill development for the individual as well as their families and partners.

Our society is very narrowly constructed to best fit one “type” of person, and that person rarely actually exists. When you come to us as a neurodivergent individual or family, we will not be working on “fixing” autistic traits to fit some outdated norm for behavior. Rather, we will work collectively to enhance understanding from all parties to best serve the client’s independence, self-determination, and happiness moving forward.

As a members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community ourselves, working in a helping profession, we employ an LGBTQIA2S+ affirming approach to therapy and psychological evaluation. We will always honor an individual’s pronouns, name, and gender identity, regardless of family of origin preference. We understand that a heteronormative narrative pervades society and causes harm to those who identify as LGBTQIA2S+. There is research to suggest that LGBTQIA2S+ individuals are at a higher risk for mental health difficulties such as depression. This is due to the negative influences of homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism, which unfortunately can often result in trauma, sometimes even at home. Therefore, evaluation and therapy with us should be a safe, affirming space regardless of gender or sexual identity. Similar to our approach with neurodivergent populations, we recognize that the long-accepted, pervasive narrow “norms” of society need changing, not the other way around.

Office Address

2632 SE 25th Ave Suite J Portland OR 97202

Office Phone Number

‭(503) 270-3811‬

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